Brandt-Daroff Exercises (ML6446) - Sandwell and West Birmingham
Try to center the right elbow in your field of view. You will keep your head turned to the right through the rest of the maneuver. Again, wait for any vertigo
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Brandt-Daroff Exercises
Information and advice for patients
Sandwell and West Birmingham
NHS Trust
Page 1
What are Brandt-Daroff exercises?
Brandt-Daroff exercises are used for the treatment of Benign Paroxysmal Positional V
(BPPV). For more information on BPPV, please see our separate leaflet on this.
What is the benefit of doing the exercises?
The exercises can stop the dizzy spells experienced by BPPV sufferers. It is not clear why the
exercises work; some evidence suggests that the exercises help to reloca
te the loose crystals that
cause the dizziness in the first place, whereas other evidence suggest
s that repeated exposure
to the feeling of dizziness reduces its intensity.
What are the risks or disadvantages?
The exercises are likely to provoke dizziness, so should be performed in
a safe environment,
preferably with another person present. Some people find it difficult to persevere with the
exercises, but they have a good success rate.
Are there any alternatives to performing these exercises?
There are alternative manoeuvres that can be used to treat BPPV, such as an Epley manoeuvre.
Your specialist may perform an Epley manoeuvre with you in clinic and the
n recommend
Brandt-Daroff exercises for you to use at home as these are easier to perform unsupe
Brandt-Daroff Exercises
Information and advice for patients
Sandwell and West Birmingham
NHS Trust
How to do the exercises
Start sitting upright on the edge of the bed.
Turn your head 45 degrees to the left, or as far as is comfortable.
Lie down on your right side.
Remain in this position for 30 seconds or until any dizziness has subsid
Sit up and turn head back to centre.
Turn your head 45 degrees to the right, or as far as is comfortable.
Lie down on your left side.
Remain in this position for 30 seconds or until any dizziness has subsid
Sit up and turn head back to centre.
The above description is one repetition. The exercises should be perform
ed in a set of 5
repetitions. They should be performed three times a day for two weeks (see over for suggested
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Issue Date June 2021
Review Date: June 2024
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A Teaching Trust of The University of Birmingham
Incorporating City, Sandwell and Rowley Regis Hospitals
© Sandwell and West Birmingham Hospitals NHS Trust
Brandt-Daroff Exercises
Information and advice for patients