Rotator Cuff Strengthening Exercises - Dr Katherine Coyner

your prescribed exercise program, please visit 1 of 2. Shoulder External Rotation with Anchored Resistance.


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ROTATOR CUFF Strengthening

Slow, controlled motion unless otherwise instructed.

Adjust the tension in the tubing to complete the required number of repetitions without substitution.
Perform the indicated exercises ______ days/week
Standing on one end of the elastic tubing, grasp the other end
with the hand at the opposite hip pocket. The palm should be
facing the body. Lift the arm in a diagonal pattern up and away
from the starting point. The elbow should be kept at a right
angle during the lift. Do not arch the back as you lift. Return to
the starting position slowly - rapidly.
__ sets of ___ reps; __ times/day. Progress to ___ sets of ___ reps
102. INTERNAL ROTATION: with the arm at the side
Tubing tied securely in closed door. Elbow locked at side. Palm
in. Rotate forearm in towards the body. Return to the starting
position slowly - rapidly
__ sets of ___ reps; __ times/day. Progress to ___ sets of ___ reps
103. EXTERNAL ROTATION: with the arm at the side
Tubing tied securely in closed door. Elbow locked at side.
Palm in. Rotate
forearm away from body. Keep elbow at right angle at all
times. Return to the starting position slowly -rapidly
__ sets of ___ reps; __ times/day. Progress to ___ sets of ___ reps
Standing on one end of the tubing , grasp the other end with
the thumb pointing up. Lift the arm up in the 2:00 plane (R) and
10:00 plane (L) with the elbow straight. The arc of
motion should be _____________. Return to the starting
position slowly -rapidly.
__ sets of ___ reps; __ times/day. Progress to ___ sets of ___ reps
Grasp both ends of the tubing with the arms elevated to
shoulder level. Pull the tubing apart as far as possible. The
elbows should remain straight or slightly bent. Return to the
starting position slowly -rapidly.
__ sets of ___ reps; __ times/day. Progress to ___ sets of ___ reps