Patient education - Management of benign positional vertigo - RACGP
Only you can build up the tolerance in your brain to overcome your dizziness. It is like an exercise for muscle building. It requires regular, capacity-
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clinical practice
Patient education
Management of benign positional vertigo
Step 1
Sit on edge of bed, turn head
slightly to left side (approximately
45 degrees)
Step 2
Lie down quickly on right side (so that the back of the
head rather than the front is resting on the bed). Wait
for 20-30 seconds or for any dizziness to resolve
Step 3
Sit up straight, again waiting for
20-30 seconds or for any dizziness
to resolve
Step 4
Turn head slightly to right side and repeat sequence
in opposite direction
Benign positional vertigo is caused by abnormal clumps of debris
collecting in one of the fluid filled balance canals of the inner ear.
Brandt-Daroff exercises are designed to break up this material and
unblock the canal. These exercises should be performed three times
per day. The symptoms of dizziness need to be reproduced by the exercises for any benefit to occur. If the exercises are done regularly,
the symptoms should resolve in most cases over a period of several