Ultimate Personal Training's Abdominal Exercise Guide
Abs exercises.doc. Page 1 of 24. Ultimate Personal Training's Abdominal Exercise Guide. Major Muscles That Act On The Trunk. MUSCLE. ORIGIN. INSERTION.
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Abs exercises.doc Page 1 of 24 Ultimate Personal Training's Abdominal Exercise Guide Major Muscles That Act On The Trunk MUSCLE ORIGIN INSERTION PRIMARY FUNCTIONS Rectus abdominis Pubic crest Cartilage of fifth through seventh ribs and xiphoid process Flexion and lateral flexion of trunk External oblique Anteriolateral borders of lower eight ribs Anterior half of ilium, pubic crest, and anterior fascia Lateral flexion of the trunk Internal oblique Iliac crest Cartilage of last three to four ribs Lateral flexion of the trunk Transverse abdominis Iliac crest, lumbar fascia, and cartilages of last six ribs Xiphoid process of sternum, anterior fascia, and pubis Compresses abdomen Erector spinae Posterior iliac crest and sacrum Angles of ribs, transverse processes of all ribs Extension of trunk
Abs exercises.doc Page 2 of 24 Machine ab crunch Exercise Data Main Muscle Worked: Abdominals Other Muscles Worked: None Equipment: Machine Mechanics Type: Isolation Tips: This is like a situp o r crunch, but the ma chine helps you to add res istance for greater stre ngth increases. Follow the dir ections on the particular machine t hat y ou choose. B e sure to go slow and concentrate on using your abs to push the weight while relaxing your legs and feet. Ab Roller Exercise Data Main Muscle Worked: Abdominals Other Muscles Worked: None Equipment: Other Mechanics Type: Compound Tips: Using the ab roller, start on the floor on all your hands and knees. Hold the ab roller in your hands while in this position. Slowly roll the ab roller foreward, stretching your body into a straight position. Go down as far as you can without touching the floor with your body. Pause and pull yourself back to the starting position. Repeat for the desired number of reps. Go slow and do not touch the ground!
Abs exercises.doc Page 3 of 24 Air Bike Exercise Data Main Muscle Worked: Abdominals Other Muscles Worked: None Equipment: BodyOnly Mechanics Type: Compound Tips: Lie on your back and put your hands behi nd your head. Raise your legs so your thighs are perpendicular and your lower legs are just above parallel to the floor. Curl up and bring your left elbow toward your right side while drawing your right knee in to meet it. It is like you are riding a bike. Alternate sides, continuing the motion back and forth. Remember, don't just flap your elbow across your body, actually rotate your shoulder across and squeeze your abs. Alternate Heel Touchers Exercise Data Main Muscle Worked: Abdominals Other Muscles Worked: None Equipment: BodyOnly Mechanics Type: Isolation Tips: Works your obliques. In order to complete 1 repetition, each heel must be touched once. So, get into position, crunch over and touch your right heel once, then crunch over and touch your left heel once, and now you've completed 1 repetition. Lie down on the floor. Bend your knees and keep your feet 18-24 inches apart. Keep your arms straight down at your sides. Crunch forward and up about 3-4 inches. Remember to keep your low er back pressed fla t against the grou nd. Keep your head in a ne utral position. Alternate touching your right heel and then your left heel. Remember, touching each heel once is one rep!
Abs exercises.doc Page 4 of 24 Barbell Ab Rollout Exercise Data Main Muscle Worked: Abdominals Other Muscles Worked: Lower Back,Shoulders Equipment: Barbell Mechanics Type: Compound Tips: The elbows are to be locked and kept in a vertical line with the shoulders. Many ab wheel commercials show the user with their arms extended out but it is felt by some that this puts unnecessary stress on the shoulders and lower back. Keep the body locked in a straight position with no back "sag" when in the bottom position. All movement in this exercise is initiated by the hips, not the arms/lats. The emphasis should be on raising the butt as high as possible in a "piking" motion when in the upright part of the movement. Barbell Ab Rollout - On Knees Exercise Data Main Muscle Worked: Abdominals Other Muscles Worked: Lower Back,Shoulders Equipment: Barbell Mechanics Type: Compound Tips: Start on your knees with your hands about shoulder width apart on a barbell that is positioned in front of you. Slowly roll the barbell forward as far as you can comfortably go. Keep the body locked in a straight position with no back "sag" when in the bottom position. Do not touch your chest or any part of your upper body to the ground. Slowly pull yourself back up using the same motion but in reverse. Repeat. Can also be done with an ab wheel or on your toes.