Core Body Exercises
Core exercises build abs and other core muscles. Core exercises strengthen your core muscles, including abs, back and pelvis. Why bother with core.
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Core Body Exercises
Core exercises build abs and other core muscles
Core exercises strengthen your core muscles,
including abs, back and pelvis. Why bother with core
exercises? Strong core muscles make it easier to do
most physical activities.
You can do core exercises on a carpeted floor or
mat. Breathe freely and deeply during each exercise.
Focus on tightening your deepest abdominal muscle
- the transversus abdominis - during each
exercise. This is the muscle you feel contracting
when you cough. Repeat each of the following core
exercises three to five times - holding for 15 to 20
seconds. Gradually build up to 10 to 15 repetitions as
your strength improves.
Push-Up / Hold / Plank
This core exercise can help you strengthen your shoulders, arms,
chest, abs, and lower back:
Lie on your stomach in the pushup position.
Start with 2 pushups and hold yourself up for 5 seconds.
Go down into a plank and hold for 10 seconds.
Without stopping, go right into 4 pushups, hold for 5
seconds, and plank for 10 seconds.
Continue until you reach your goal pushup level.
Break for a minute or two and then go through routine
again, but pushups decrease.
On the way up you are using your arms, chest, and
shoulders mostly and on the way down you are mostly using
your abs and lower back.
While walking around school or the halls tighten your abs.
If you do this walking up the steps, down the halls, on the
way home or just sitting at your desk during the day you
will feel it and notice a difference. It will make a difference
in your swimming, look, and feel and NO ONE WILL
Have Fun with Working Out!
Do different work out constantly, mix it up, keep it real!
Abdominal crunch
Abdominal crunches are a classic core exercise:
Lie on your back and place your feet on a wall so that your
knees and hips are bent at 90-degree angles. Tighten your
abdominal muscles.
Raise your head and shoulders off the floor. To avoid
straining your neck, cross your arms on your chest rather
than locking them behind your head. Hold for three deep
Return to the start position and repeat.