Diastasis Recti - Active Canterbury

However, if your exercise places too much load on the body and core during pregnancy or after your baby is born, you can make your DR worse.


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Rectus Abdominus Diastasis
(Diastasis Recti)
Diastasis Recti occurs when the two vertical abdominal muscles (recti) stretch apart and
separate outwards creating a gap.
This gap can be from 2 to 3
centimetres wide to 12 to 20cm and
extending nearly the whole length of
the muscles. A severe diastasis can

This lack of support along with the softening of ligaments by pregnancy hormones
increases the risk of back or pelvic problems before or after birth and may cause problems
in subsequent pregnancies. There is also a risk of an abdominal hernia if the diastasis
remains over long period of time.
Self-check for diastasis recti
1. Lie on your back with your legs bent as shown
2. Rest the fingertips of one hand across the centre
of your abdominal muscles just above or below
your belly button.
3. Tilt your pelvis back, and breathe out as you lift
your head and shoulders towards your knees.
You will feel the firm edges of the muscles on each side and a soft gap in the
middle if you have diastasis recti.
4. Hold for no more than a few seconds and then lower your head and shoulders back
to the floor.
Watch a video on how to self-test for diastasis recti (MuTu System UK).
Activity advice for women with diastasis recti
You will need to modify any exercise programme until the diastasis has resolved to
less than 2 centimetres in width. Avoid any kind of abdominal crunching movement or
one that places great strain on the area until this time this including sit-ups, leg lifts, leg
extensions or sitting up in bed.
Be careful when lifting heavy weights or performing other strenuous exercises such as
running, jumping, and picking up children or shopping.
Consult a qualified personal trainer or physiotherapist if your diastasis is not
reducing by six weeks. They can help advise you on the exercises to avoid and suggest
those that will help close the abdominal muscle gap.