Ultimate Personal Training Shoulders Exercise Guide

Commence lift by rotating the shoulders back and pinching the rear delts. Lift weight up such that the shoulder to elbow joint is parallel to the ground and the 


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Shoulders exercises.doc Page 1 of 26 Ultimate Personal Training Shoulders Exercise Guide Major Muscles That Act At The Shoulder MUSCLE ORIGIN INSERTION PRIMARY FUNCTIONS Deltoid Anterolateral clavicle, border of the acromion, and lower edge of spine of the scapula Deltoid tubercle of humerus on mid-lateral surface Entire muscle: abduction; anterior fibers: flexion, medial rotation; posterior fibers: extension, lateral rotation Rotator cuff Various aspects of scapula All insert on greater tubercle of humerus except for the subscapularis, which inserts on lesser tubercle of humerus Infraspinatus teres minor: lateral rotation; subscapularis: medial rotation; supraspinatus: abduction
Shoulders exercises.doc Page 2 of 26 Arnold Dumbbell Press Exercise Data Main Muscle Worked: Shoulders Other Muscles Worked: Triceps Equipment: Dumbbell Mechanics Type: Compound Tips: Hold two dumbbells in front of you at about upper chest level with your palms facing your body and your elbows flexed. Raise dumbbells by extending elbows; abduct and internally rotate shoulders to straight arm position. Lower to original position and repeat. Bent Over Dumbbell Reverse flys With Head On Bench Exercise Data Main Muscle Worked: Shoulders Other Muscles Worked: None Equipment: Dumbbell Mechanics Type: Isolation Tips: Rest your forehead on a flat or inclined bench so that you are bent over with your back as close to parallel with the floor as you can. Hold dumbbells with your arms straight down and your elbows locked. Raise the dumbbells out to shoulder height, even with your ears. Do NOT swing the dumbbells up. Keep your body rigid and your head on the bench. Can also be done without the head support.