Muscular strength & endurance exercises

This handout describes 4 arm exercises to increase strength and range of motion while you are recovering after heart surgery. Exercising with Sternal 


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Warm up
Before you do resistance
exercises, you need to
warm up your muscles
with 5-10 minutes of low
intensity activity such as
walking or marching in
Disclaimer: These exercises and
recommendations are for healthy
individuals. You should discuss
any new activity plans with your
doctor who may have some
additional advice for you.
Men older than 40 years and
women older than 50 years who
plan a vigorous program or who
have either chronic disease or risk
factors for chronic disease should
consult their physician to design
a safe, effective program.
Resistance training tips

Perform exercises for each of the major muscle groups: legs,
back, chest, shoulders, arms and abdomen.

Perform each set of exercises to the point where you feel your
muscles are fatigued, while maintaining proper form.

Exercise each muscle group 2 to 3 nonconsecutive days per
week if possible.

Use good form. Using good form is as important as the amount
of weight you use!

Allow enough time between exercises to perform the next
exercise in proper form.

Perform both the lifting and lowering portion of the resistance
exercises in a controlled manner.

Maintain a normal breathing pattern; breath-holding can cause
excessive increase in blood pressure. Breathe out during the
lifting phase; breath in during the lowering phase.

If possible, exercise with a training partner who can provide
feedback, assistance and motivation.
Muscular strength
& endurance exercises
Muscular strength is how much weight you can lift at one
time. Muscular endurance is how many times you can lift a
certain amount of weight. Resistance training (also referred
to as weight training or strength training) helps increase
muscular strength and endurance.
REPETITION: The number of times an exercise is
performed in a row before resting
SET: A group of repetitions
Example: 8 push-ups (repetitions), rest for one minute,
8 push-ups (repetitions) = 2 sets of 8 repetitions of
push-ups.Eat Smart, Move More, Weigh Less 1
2 Eat Smart, Move More, Weigh Less