Knee pain exercise sheet. - Versus Arthritis

Lower Extremity Strengthening Home Exercise Program. Closed Chain, Standing. 1. Quadricep Set (quadriceps are the front thigh muscles):. Standing.


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Knee pain
Knee pain is very common, but can usually be treated
at home and normally starts to feel better in a few
days. It might be a good idea to contact your GP or
pharmacist, who can give you advice on your recovery,
especially if you can't put any weight on your knee.
Make an appointment to see your doctor if:

the pain lasts for more than a few weeks

your knee locks or gives way

the pain is really bad. When the pain is under control, you can start to do
some gentle exercises to keep your knee moving and
build your strength back up. It's important to get the
right balance between rest and exercise, but resting
for too long could mean your recovery takes longer.
As well as the exercises on this sheet, walking can be
helpful for your knees. Try to go out most days, and
gradually increase the distance you walk. If you have
an exercise bike or pedals at home, you can try

cycling for a few minutes, gradually increasing your
time and adding resistance as you recover.
Many people find the following exercises helpful. If you
need to, adjust the position so that it's comfortable.
Try to do these exercises regularly.

Do each one a few times to start with, to get used to
them, and gradually increase how much you do.
1. Leg stretch
Sit on the floor, with your legs stretched out straight
in front of you. Slowly bend one knee up towards your
chest, sliding your foot along the floor, until you feel a
gentle stretch. Hold for five seconds. Straighten your
leg as far as you can and hold in this position for five
seconds. Repeat 10 times with each leg. If you can't
get down onto the floor, sit on a sofa and use a board
or tea tray as a surface to slide your foot along.
2. Quads exercise with roll

Sit on the floor, sofa or bed, with your legs stretched
straight out in front of you. Put a rolled-up towel

under one knee. Push down on the towel as if
straightening your knee. Pull your toes and foot
towards you, so that you feel your calf muscles

stretch, and so that your heel lifts o? the floor.

Hold for 5 seconds, then relax for 5 seconds. Do this