The exercises listed are not all inclusive, you can modify exercises as long as you maintain the appropriate precautions.


Part of the document

¹ Any specific exercise that causes pain is hindering the healing process
for your injury and should be modified or discontinued.

¹ Re-injuries during the rehabilitation process will slow your progress. If you get
recurring pain either lower the resistance; lower the number of sets or repetitions;
or reduce the range of motion to avoid the area of pain.

¹ Most exercises that do not involve the injured region can be done as long as the
exercise does not increase the pain.

¹ When in doubt about how much weight to use for exercises, guess low. It is
safer and easier to add weight than to hurt yourself with too much weight.

¹ Consult your Physician or Physical Therapist if any problems arise or if you
have any questions regarding an exercise. It is better to make sure that you are
doing an exercise correctly than to cause further injury by doing an exercise

These exercises are to be done 3 to 5 days per week.
Perform 2 sets of 15 repetitions for strengthening exercises
Stretch 3-15 times, holding 10-30 seconds each time.

Moist Heat for 15 minutes before / after exercising. If using Ice, 15 minutes
after exercise.
Weakness in your Gluteus Medius?

The Gluteus Medius is one of the three muscles to make up the muscles
surrounding the hip and pelvis. These three muscles work together to help
stabilize the pelvis during activities such as walking, running, jumping and
even standing.
stability at the hip by keeping the hip level during activities. Weakness in
your Gluteus Medius can cause people to develop a limp in which their hip
will drop on the opposite side. People may experience pain in their low
back, hip and down their thigh.