Beginner Strength Training.pdf - JBSA Today

You don't have to join the gym to be able to exercise. Below are some suggested exercises that are aimed to get you out of your chair and get a little home 


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Learning the proper techniques of weight
lifting and getting stronger.
Perfect for those who want to start a
resistant training routine or learn more
about resistant training.
Discovering the benefits of weight training
for overall fitness and health.
Beginning Phase:
Lie face-up on a soft surface, bend knee and keep feet on ground
Place hands behind head
Upward Phase:
Begin lifting your upper body and twisting while reaching for the opposite knee
Leading with the shoulder; keeping the elbow out
Downward Phase:
Lower your body back to the ?oor to the starting position
Continue alternating sides (from left to right)
Make sure to start from the center with the back touching the ?oor
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You don't have to join the gym to be able to exercise. Below are some suggested
exercises that are aimed to get you out of your chair and get a little home exercise.
Although you can buy exercise equipment for the home, the only items that may need
to be purchased are some dumbbells. These exercises are just a few of many but will
help ?rm, tone and keep you active. They will leave you able to carry out your daily
tasks more easily. The exercises below are ideal for anyone who is new to exercising
at home. It's a good idea to check with a health professional and ask their opinion
before exercising, especially if it has been a while since you have undertaken any ?t
ness program or exercise.
Beginning Phase:

Grasp the dumbbells with a closed, supinated grip; with arms at your side
slightly wider that shoulder width apart.

Stand erect with feet shoulder width apart and knees slightly bent
Movement Phase:

Raise the dumbbells in an arc by bending arms at the elbow moving upward
to the front of the shoulders

(Do not swing the dumbbells)

Lower the dumbbells slowly; with control until the arms are fully extended
These exercises can be done with a bar, free weights, or as alternative, water bottles.
Beginner Resistant Training
Downward Movement Phase:
With the right foot take a large step backward while keeping the left foot in place
The right foot should be placed far enough back that the knee does not p
ass over
the the toes of the front foot during exercise
Once the right foot is ?rmly on the ?oor lower (drop) the upper body by bending at
the left knee (3-4 count) until the upper leg is parallel to the ?o
While bending at the left knee the right foot remains in place by shifting your weight
to the right toes
The right knee should bend slightly to assist in lowering the body but should not
touch the ?oor
Upward Movement Phase:
Push with the left foot into the ?oor in an upward and backward direc
tion (3-4
count) in order to raise the body into an erect posture
Be careful to maintain a smooth, controlled movement while returning to the starting
position to avoid losing your balance
Beginning Phase:
Lie face up on a soft surface, bend knees and bring feet close to the buttocks
Fold arms across chest, or place behind head, and tuck chin into the chest
Upward Movement:
Lift the upper body towards thighs with abdominal muscles while keeping the
lower back on the ?oor
Downward Movement:
Lower shoulders and upper body slowly and with control
This exercise can be done standing or using a bench for support.
Beginning Phase:

Place one hand on opposing leg or a bench for support with other leg on the
?oor for stability
Movement Phase:

Raise the weight up to the front of the body at hip height by bending the arm
at the elbow

Straighten elbow so that the weight is at the back of the body
Beginning Position:

Stand and lean over and place inside hand on opposing leg or bench for support
with hand directly below your shoulder

Place outside foot 1-2 feet from leg or bench and ?ex knee

Position body parallel to ?oor and grasp a dumbbell with your free hand

Hang dumbbell down with arm straight
Beginning Position:
Feet shoulder width apart with toes pointing forward
Upper body erect, head facing forward with arms down at the sideCan be done with body weight or hand-held weights.· Toes should point in the same direction as your knees
The upper body should be straight and erect with head facing forward
Abdominals should be contracted to assist in keeping the back straight
Downward Movement Phase:
Keeping both feet ?rmly on the ?oor begin lowering your body while bending at the
hips (3-4 count) and forcing your buttocks out behind you
Make sure your knees do not pass over the front of your toes, if this occurs add more
bending at the hip (It should look similar to a sitting movement)
Concentrate on keeping your back perfectly straight and not leaning forward
Lower your body until your upper leg becomes parallel to the ?oor
Upward Movement Phase:
Make sure to look forward during the entire movement
Keep both feet ?rmly on the ?oor and exhale during this phase
Press into the ?oor evenly with both feet and straighten the legs in a smooth,
controlled motion (3-4 count) making sure to keep your back straight
Be sure to keep a slight bend in the knees at all times to avoid "locking" your knees
Return to the downward movement phase instructions and repeat the same movement
Upward Movement Phase:

Pull dumbbell up toward the chest

Keep body parallel to ?oor

Touch dumbbell to outer chest
Downward Movement Phase:

Lower dumbbell slowly and under control to straight arm position

Maintain body position
Beginning Positions:

Stand with your feet shoulder width apart, dumbbells in front of you

Keep your back straight with a slight bend in your knee
Downward Movement Phase:

Lower the weight bending at the hip joint

Make sure your back is ?at and shoulders are back

Keep it with your own range of motion
Upward Movement Phase:

Raise the weight with your knees slightly bent and your arms locked out

Lift with your lower back, hamstrings and quads

Keep the weight as close as you can to your body and keep head even with your back
Beginning Phase:
Stand with feet shoulder width apart, knees ?exed
Elbows are fully extended but not hyperextended; palms facing the body with
dumbbells at side
Movement Phase:
Raise the upper arms with the palms facing the ?oor to 90 degree or lower, at
your side
Elbows should be directly lateral to shoulder level since elbows are slightly
bent forward
Maintain elbow height above or equal to wrists; keep slight bend through
elbows throughout movement
Lower & repeat
Beginning Position:
Begin by standing in proper aliment with dumbbells at side palms facing the bod
Feet should be shoulder width apart