No Equipment Home Workouts: strength workouts - UT RecSports
To make an exercise more challenging in the gym, one simply lifts heavier weights. At home, and with little or no equipment, the exercises themselves.
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No Equipment Home Workouts:strength workouts
2x/Week No-Equipment Strength Workout (Beginner)....................................
2x/Week No-Equipment Strength Workout (Intermediate)................................
2x/Week No-Equipment Strength Workout (Advanced)...................................
4x/Week No-Equipment Strength Workout (Beginner)....................................
4x/Week No-Equipment Strength Workout (Intermediate)...............................
4x/Week No-Equipment Strength Workout (Advanced)...................................
6x/Week No-Equipment Strength Workout (Beginner)....................................
6x/Week No-Equipment Strength Workout (Intermediate)...............................
6x/Week No-Equipment Strength Workout (Advanced)...................................2
10The key to strength training is performing challenging exercises for repetitions and
multiple sets. To make an exercise more challenging in the gym, one simply lifts
heavier weights. At home, and with little or no equipment, the exercises themselves
must become more challenging.
This guide is designed to help you build or maintain strength without equipment
while away at home. Herein are weekly workouts for those that wish to train 2, 4, or 6
times each week. Each of these programs includes ways to make the exercises harder
or easier depending on your fitness levels and goals.
In addition to this strength program, aerobic exercise is necessary for maintaining
good health as well as helping stay fit and de-stress while we're all at home. See
the following pages and select the workout that is most appropriate for you. Above
all, listen to your body and use your best judgement when approaching an exercise
program on your own.
Because of copyright, all images and videos are linked to the original source online
rather than embedded in this guide. Should any of the image/video/descriptions fail,
please contact Sam Twito (twito@utexas.edu).
2x/Week: Beginner