Strengthening and Rehabilitation Exercises for the Quadriceps
As your strength improves, then progress to the more difficult exercises. Be mindful of how the injury is feeling as you taper up the exercises. If an exercise
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Strengthening and Rehabilitation Exercises for the Quadriceps
Initially start with basic strengthening exercises of the quadriceps and hips. Implement cross
training (by utilizing a stationary bike or exercising in the pool, including walking and aqua
jogging) as long as the activity doesn't increase your pain. Focus initially on reducing swelling
and regaining full motion in the knee without pain. As your strength improves, then progress to
the more difficult exercises. Be mindful of how the injury is feeling as you taper up the
exercises. If an exercise increases your pain, it may be too advanced or you may be performing
it incorrectly. Discontinue the exercise until it can be performed without increasing your
As you master the following exercises, implement a strength training protocol including
s, front squatting, dead lifts, straight leg dead lifts, and lunges. Be sure to follow a graded
exercise program and closely monitor the injury as you progress back into heavier weight
Straight Leg Raise - Starting Position
Lie on the ground with your affected leg straight. The
other leg will be bent. Be sure to rotate your leg outward
slightly to gain a better activation of the medial (inner)
side of the quadriceps.
Straight Leg Raise - Leg Laterally Rotated
Raise your leg parallel to the bent leg. Don't arch your
back. Keep your abdominals engaged. Another variation
is to perform this with your toes straight into the air. You
could also add an ankle weight to increase the difficulty
level. Perform 2 sets of 15 repetitions on each leg once a
day. (When you can easily perform this exercise for at
least 30 repetitions, discontinue and continue with the
other exercises.)