Ever wonder how many calories you burn during exercise?
Ever wonder how many calories you burn during exercise? ?This chart shows the estimated number of calories burned while doing various exercises for one hour
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Ever wonder how many calories you burn during exercise?
This chart shows the estimated number of calories burned while doing
various exercises for one hour. Specific calorie expenditures vary widely
depending on the exercise, intensity level and your individual situation.
Activity (1-hour duration) Weight of person and calories burned
160 pounds (73
200 pounds (91
240 pounds (109
Aerobics, high impact 533 664 796
Aerobics, low impact 365 455 545
Aerobics, water 402 501 600
Basketball game 584 728 872
Bicycling, < 10 mph, leisure 292 364 436
Canoeing 256 319 382
Hiking 438 546 654
Racquetball 511 637 763
Resistance (weight) training 365 455 545
Rope jumping 861 1,074 1,286
Rowing, stationary 438 546 654
Running, 5 mph 606 755 905
Running, 8 mph 861 1,074 1,286
Softball or baseball 365 455 545
Stair treadmill 657 819 981
Swimming, laps 423 528 632
Walking, 2 mph 204 255 305
Walking, 3.5 mph 314 391 469
Adapted from: Ainsworth BE, et al. 2011 compendium of physical activities: A second update of codes and MET values.
Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise. 2011;43:1575.