Chris Hemsworth V2 PDF - Superhero Jacked

Return to the start position and use your arms and abdominals to pull yourself back. Tip: This is an intense abdominal exercise, if you are just starting out, 


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Chris hemsworth workout Routine V2Bonus PDF File By: Mike Romaine
Copyright Notice No part of this report may be reproduced or transmitted in any form whatsoever, electronic, or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any informational storage or retrieval system without expressed written, dated and signed permission from the author. All copyrights are reserved. Disclaimer and/or Legal Notices The information provided in this book is for educational purposes only. I am not a doctor and this is not meant to be taken as medical advice. The information provided in this book is based upon my experiences as well as my interpretations of the current research available. The advice and tips given in this course are meant for healthy adults only. You should consult your physician to insure the tips given in this course are appropriate for your individual circumstances. If you have any health issues or pre-existing conditions, please consult with your physician before implementing any of the information provided in this course. This product is for informational purposes only and the author does not accept any responsibilities for any liabilities or damages, real or perceived, resulting from the use of this information.
Chris HemsworthWorkout Routine V2Training Volume: 3-4+ days per week Explanation: This workout is inspired directly from workouts reprogrammed from Hemsworth trainer, Zocchi, and has been modified through interviews with him. You can do this as is, or you can swap back and forth with his other programming. His trainer mentions a 3-4 day split, so we will be using Push, Pull, Legs, Full Body/Agility, and then adding in MMA and Parkour if you'd like to go off of Hemsworth "six days a week" statement. Superset Explanation: Letters (A/B) represent a superset. So, you'll perform both exercises back to back with no rest until you've performed all of the reps for both exercises - which equals 1 set. Chris Hemsworth Workout Day One: PullWarm Up:
Stretch 10 minute incline walk Workout: Deadlift 4×10-8-8-6 Hammer Strength Rows 4×12 Pulldowns 4×12 Superset 1: A. Hammer Curls 3×12 B. Chin Ups 3×12
Superset 2: A. Push Ups 3×12 B. Barbell Curls 3×12 Chris Hemsworth Workout Day Two: PushWarm Up: Stretch 10 minute incline walk Workout: Bench Press 4×10-8-8-6 Arnold Press
4×12 Incline Bench Press 4×12 Skull Crushers 4×12 Superset 1: A. Dips 3×12 B. Plate Overhead Tricep Extension 3×12 Superset 2: A. DB Shoulder Front Raises 3×12 B. DB Upright Rows
3×12 Superset 3: A. Tricep Cable Pushdowns 3×12 B. Cable Kickbacks 3×12 Chris Hemsworth Workout Day Three: LegsWarm Up: Stretch 10 minute incline walk Workout: Back Squat 4×10-8-8-6
Hamstring Curl Machine 4×12 Leg Extension Machine 4×12 Superset 1: A. Leg Press 3×12 B. Calf Raises (on Leg Press Machine) 3×12 Superset 2: A. Weighted Lunges 3×12 B. Cable Pullthroughs 3×12
Chris Hemsworth Workout Day Four: Full BodyWarm Up: Stretch 10 minute incline walk Workout: Superset 1: A. Kettlebell Swings 3×12 B. One Arm DB Snatches 3×12 Superset 2: A. Push Ups 3×20
B. Goblet Squats 3×12 Superset 3: A. Dumbbell Rows 3×12 B. Chin Ups 3×12 Superset 4: A. Dips 3×12 B. Battle Rope 3×30 seconds Chris Hemsworth Workout: Active Recovery/Add-on Days
Hemsworth mentions 6 days, but his trainer mentioned 3-4. If you'd like to add-on to your programming you can utilize the workouts that I'm going to link you below. Check out programs on the site from Coach Derek here: Moon Knight, Deathstroke, Daredevil. For some Thai Boxing fun check out Anna Diop's routine. The Parkour Workout (Nightrunner) designed by Academy member Felix.