Armstrong Pull-up Program - Savannah State University

the back of this pamphlet and a workout chart. Listed below are a few examples of some The test consists of two minutes of timed push-ups and curl-ups.


Part of the document

The Armstrong Pull-up Program

This program was developed by Major Charles Lewis Armstrong. Major Armstrong
developed this workout to prepare him to set a new world record in number of pull-ups
completed in a single exercise session.

The program provides the necessities for any successful physical improvement regime,
namely variety, overload and regularity. Users have achieved remarkable results in only
6-8 weeks. This means that most, if not all, have been able to achieve the performance
level they desired, a set of 20 repetitions, as long as they are consistent with the program.
It cannot be overemphasized that this program depends upon regularity. Daily
performance of the exercises listed in the following paragraphs holds the true key to
reaching and maintaining the 20-repetition level.

The Morning Routine

Each morning, perform 3 maximum effort sets of normal push-ups. This is very
important!! The push-up is one of the best exercises for strengthening the entire set of
muscles making up the shoulder girdle. Major Armstrong described this morning routine
in the following manner: After rising, I would drop to the deck and do my first set of
push-ups. I would then move into the head and start my morning toilet. I would return
after a few minutes and do my second maximum effort set after which, I would go back
into the head and shave. After shaving I would return to the bedroom and complete the
third and final set. Having completed all of the push-ups, I was awake and ready for a
relaxing shower.