Exercises for the Abs (Rectus Abdominis)
Examples of Exercises for Designing a Weight Training Program 19. Exercises for the Abs (Rectus Abdominis). Ab Crunch Machine. Major Muscle Group: Rectus
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Examples of Exercises for Designing a Weight Training Program 19
Exercises for the Abs (Rectus Abdominis)
Ab Crunch Machine
Major Muscle Group: Rectus abdominus
?is is like a sit-up or crunch, but the machine helps
you to add resistance for greater strength increases.
Place your forearms around the armrest, with your
back ?rmly against the padding. You should have the
chair set high enough that your legs dangle straight
down when you are in position. Place your feet ei-
ther ?at on the footrest or loop them behind the
footrest. ?en slowly bring your chest toward your
knees, keeping your back straight, and hold for a few
seconds before extending them to the beginning po-
Air Bike
Major Muscle Group: Rectus abdominus
Lie on your back and put your hands behind your
head. Raise your legs so your thighs are perpendicu-
lar and your lower legs are just above parallel to the
?oor. Curl up and bring your le? elbow toward your
right side while drawing your right knee in to meet
it. Alternate sides, continuing the motion back and
forth. Rotate your shoulder across and squeeze your