Reading anterior deltoid program

Anterior Deltoid Strengthening Exercises. May 2010. 1. Pendulum exercises ? standing and leaning forwards, supporting yourself with your good arm, let the 


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Reading Orthopaedic Centre

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Anterior Deltoid Strengthening Exercises

The aim of the following exercises is to strengthen the deltoid muscle which sits over the
top and outer aspect of your upper arm to assist in lifting your arm above shoulder height
and to reduce pain. You are training and strengthening your deltoid muscle in order to
compensate for the underlying rotator cuff muscles which are weak or torn.

The exercises need to be done a minimum of three times a day and for at least three
months in order to strengthen this muscle and improve the mobility of your shoulder. They

In that case you will
need to do the exercises on both sides.

The reason that the exercises are ini tially car ried out l ying down is to prevent the

A common side effect of repeated hitching of the shoulder is pain around the lower neck
on the affected side and in very bad cases the onset of tingling in the arm or hand.
Should this neck pain occur, you need to immediately check the position of your shoulder
and make sure that it is not too close to your ear/hitched while you are exercising. It is also
prudent to inform your physiotherapist at your next visit so that they can check and treat
the neck if necessary in order to resolve the problem.

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Anterior Deltoid Strengthening Exercises May 2010
1. Pendulum exercises standing and leaning forwards, supporting yourself with your
good arm, let the bad arm swing like a pendulum. It can swing forwards, backwards,
side to side and in a circular motion for up to 5 minutes. This exercise is also useful to
relax the muscles after you have carried out the other exercises.