Upper Extremity Dumbbell Home Exercise Program

Lie on uninvolved side with the elbow on involved arm flexed 90º. Place a small towel roll under elbow on involved side. Set shoulder back against chest wall.


Part of the document

Supine Dumbbell Fly
Lie on back
with feet flat on the floor.
Position head, shoulders, and buttocks flat on bench.
With shoulders flexed to 90º, grasp dumbbells.
Dumbbells should face each other.
Move dumbbells outward in a wide arch fashion,
while keeping the elbows slightly
Keep lowering dumbbells until elbows are level with the body.
Return to the start position.
Perform sets of reps, times/day
Progress to sets of reps, times/day

Incline Dumbbell Bench Press
Lie on a bench that is on a 45º incline.
Keep feet flat on the floor and your back pressed flat on the bench.
Start with your shoulders flexed to 90º.
Your hands are holding the dumbbells in a palm down position.
Bend elbows downward until your elbows are level with your body.
Return to start position.
Perform sets of reps, times/day
Progress to sets of reps, times/day
Side-Lying External Rotation
Lie on uninvolved side with the elbow on involved arm flexed 90º.

a small towel roll under elbow on involved side.
Set shoulder back against chest wall.

hand from on table position to position of

parallel to tabletop.
Lower slowly
and repeat up toward ceiling.
Perform sets of reps, times/day
Progress to sets of reps, times/day
X11240 (Rev. 12/2019) ©AAHC \OT Upper

Upper Extremity Dumbbell Home Exercise Program, Page 2

Side Lying Internal Rotation
With a pillow under head, lie on involved side with arm
against side and elbow flexed 90º.
hand up, lower slowly and repeat.

Perform sets of reps, times/day
Progress to sets of reps, times/day

One Arm Row
your left knee on a bench with your
left arm extended on the bench.
Keep your back straight and your head facing
the floor (tighten stomach muscles)
The dumbbell is held in your right hand.
Set your shoulder blade, and bend your elbow,
bringing arm toward your body.
Do not raise arm higher than your body.
Repeat with opposite arm.

Perform sets of reps, times/day
Progress to sets of reps, times/day

This exercise can also be performed lying
on your stomach as pictured to the right.

Hammer Bicep Curl
Stand or sit with shoulder blades set down and back.
Keep stomach muscles tight and back straight.
If you are standing, feet should be shoulder width
apart and knees should be slightly flexed.
Grasp dumbbells with palms facing your body.

one dumbbell by bending the elbow as pictured,
then slowly lower dumbbell and repeat with opposite arm.
Do not swing the dumbbell upward or jerk/bounce the
dumbbell when the arm is extended.

Perform sets of reps, times/day
Progress to sets of reps, times/day

Upper Extremity Dumbbell Home Exercise Program, Page 3

Bicep Curl with Supination
Stand or sit with shoulder blades set down and back.
Keep stomach muscles tight and back straight.
If you are standing, feet should be shoulder width apart
and knees should be slightly flexed.
Grasp dumbbells with palms facing your body.

one dumbbell turning the palm up as you bend the elbow,
then slowly lower the dumbbell and repeat with opposite arm.
Do not swing the dumbbell upward or jerk/bounce the
dumbbell when the arm is extended.

Perform sets of reps, times/day
Progress to sets of reps, times/day

Overhead Tricep Press
Stand or sit with your arm overhead and the elbow bent
to 90º as pictured.
Hold your arm just below the elbow with your opposite hand.
Slowly extend your elbow and return to the start position.
(Do not lock your elbow)

Perform sets of reps, times/day
Progress to sets of reps, times/day

Tricep Kickback
your left knee on a bench with your
left arm extended.
Keep your arm in line with your body.
Do not raise elbow above body.
Keep your back straight and your head facing the floor
(tighten stomach muscles)
Set your right shoulder blade and begin with your right
elbow bent at your side as pictured.
Slowly extend your right elbow (do not lock elbow)
and lower to start position.
Your hand should face floor at end position.

Perform sets of reps, times/day
Progress to sets of reps, times/day