Additional Exercises for Convex Optimization - Stanford University

mathematics but the ideas can be used for exercise generation in similar areas such as The text content and the design of the exercises are defined in a 


Part of the document

This is a collection of additional exercises, meant to supplement those found in the bookConvex
Optimization, by Stephen Boyd and Lieven Vandenberghe. These exercises were used in several
courses on convex optimization, EE364a (Stanford), EE236b (UCLA), or 6.975 (MIT), usually for
homework, but sometimes as exam questions. Some of the exercises were originally written for the
book, but were removed at some point.
Many of them include a computational component using one of the software packages for convex
optimization: CVX (Matlab), CVXPY (Python), or Convex.jl (Julia). We refer to these collectively
as CVX*. (Some problems have not yet been updated for all three languages.) The les required
for these exercises can be found at the book web
You are free to use these exercises any way you like (for example in a course you teach), provided
you acknowledge the source. In turn, we gratefully acknowledge the teaching assistants (and in
some cases, students) who have helped us develop and debug these exercises. Pablo Parrilo helped
develop some of the exercises that were originally used in MIT 6.975, Sanjay Lall developed some
other problems when he taught EE364a, and the instructors of EE364a during summer quarters
developed others.
We'll update this document as new exercises become available, so the exercise numbers and
sections will occasionally change. We have categorized the exercises into sections that follow the
book chapters, as well as various additional application areas. Some exercises t into more than
one section, or don't t well into any section, so we have just arbitrarily assigned these.
Course instructors can obtain solutions to these exercises by email to us. Please specify the
course you are teaching and give its URL.
Stephen Boyd and Lieven Vandenberghe
1 Convex sets3
2 Convex functions
3 Convex optimization problems
4 Duality41
5 Approximation and tting
6 Statistical estimation
7 Geometry98
8 Unconstrained and equality constrained minimization
9 Interior point methods
10 Mathematical background
11 Circuit design
12 Signal processing and communications
13 Control and trajectory optimization
14 Finance162
15 Mechanical and aerospace engineering
16 Graphs and networks
17 Energy and power
18 Miscellaneous applications