Standing Exercises ? to strengthen your leg muscles

Standing Exercises ? to strengthen your leg muscles. Your ward therapist will go through this leaflet with you and fill in the appropriate.


Part of the document

Your ward therapist will go through this leaflet with you and fill in the appropriate
repetitions of the exercises to start off with. Try and increase this amount each time
and as you improve. You should feel muscle fatigue but no pain.
It is important to exercise daily whilst you are less mobile to prevent stiffness and
weakness of your joints and muscles.

Sit tall near the front of a chair with or without arms. Place feet flat on the floor.
Lean slightly forwards
Stand up (using hands for support). Stand tall
and slowly lower bottom back onto chair

Repeat _____ times.

Progress the above exercise by standing up from chair
without using hands for support.

Repeat _____ times.

Stand facing the end of the bed, ward rail, or work surface when home. Place both
hands on surface for support. Make sure your feet are shoulders width apart. Stand
tall and look ahead. Then complete the following exercises.
Keeping your back straight, lift one knee up
towards your chest. Lower slowly. Repeat with
other leg

Repeat _____ times.

All pictures used from PhysioTools
Standing Exercises to strengthen your leg

Keeping your back straight, lift one leg out to the
side (keep knee straight and toes pointing
forward). Hold for count of _______. Lower
slowly. Repeat with other leg

Repeat _____ times.

Keeping your back straight, lift one leg behind
you (keep knee straight). Hold for count of
_______. Lower slowly. Repeat with other leg

Repeat _____ times.

Whilst holding a chair for support, Step
sideways to the right, follow with your left foot
to bring feet together. Then repeat stepping
to the left

Repeat _____ times.

Whilst holding a chair for support, Slowly bend
your hips and knees, trying to push your bottom
Stand up tightening your buttock muscles
Try to keep your back straight. Start off with mini
dips as you are able to.

Repeat ____ times.

Whilst holding a chair, Keeping your back
straight, lift heels to stand on tip-toes. Hold for
count of ______. Lower heels slowly

Repeat _____ times.

All pictures used from PhysioTools
Standing Exercises to strengthen your leg


Turn sideways to the surface or chair and hold on with one hand.
March on the spot, swing your free arm.
Continue for count of ______. Stop marching.
Turn around, hold on with other hand and

For further information please discuss with your Physiotherapist or call the office on
01793 605126 Monday to Friday 8:00-16:30, this has an answerphone service if the
office is unmanned

Smoking will not be permitted on any NHS site in England. Smoking will not be permitted within any of our
buildings or anywhere outside on our sites. Smoking facilities will not be provided. Please be considerate of
others when vaping in hospital grounds.

This information sheet is available to order in other languages and
formats. If you would like a copy, please contact us on 01793
604031 or email
Document Control
Division: Swindon Community Health Services
Department: Physiotherapy
Approved Date: 5 June 2020
Next Review Date: July 2023
Document Number: SCHS-PIL0128